
5 Decorating Tips On The Pursuit Of Peace

We live in a busy world. Our days start with a to-do list a mile long and end with half those tasks undone. Stress and anxiety often power our days. While work, errands, and other obligations may be a necessary and unavoidable part of life, our homes should be a safe harbor to which we can retreat and relax at the end of those busy days. Here are five simple decorating tips that will make your home that restful oasis you seek.

1. Declutter for freedom.

You know you have clutter if you have too many things for the size of your space, things that you no longer use or love but haven’t parted with, or so many things that you feel disorganized because there seems to be no place to put them all. Clutter drags you down and stresses you out. It often comes with emotional baggage, memories of people, places, or things that don’t bring joy anymore. Mental clutter leaves you feeling disorganized and unproductive.

You can free yourself of these feelings by getting rid of clutter. Take it one item at a time, and start small. Work your way up from meaningless clutter like old bills or paystubs, to things that have sentimental value and may be harder to part with. If you can’t part with something, pack it away. Clear surfaces, including the floors, allow you to bring in things that provide comfort and make you feel better.

2. Keep things simple.

Now that you’ve decluttered, don’t backslide by bringing in too much again. The minimalist lifestyle has become quite popular today, and there’s a reason for that. There are a lot of benefits to living minimally, such as clarity of mind, better health, less stress, more freedom and more time. The less you have, the less time you spend cleaning, for example.

But it goes beyond just keeping your stuff minimal. Choose soothing color palettes for your home, and use soothing tones, clean lines, and a simple aesthetic to keep things calming. Look for Zen-style furniture, which is all about clean and simple lines, high quality and natural materials.

3. Make your furniture work for you.

Speaking of furniture, arranging your furniture properly is also key to a soothing oasis at home. Furniture needs to be appropriately sized for the room, not too big or too small, and should be arranged in a way that doesn’t impede movement or communication.

Fabrics should be light, comfortable, and natural. Try to create symmetry with your furniture, too. For example, frame a window with two pieces of artwork that are the same size and shape, or add matching lamps to each end of a sofa. You could also surround one larger piece of art with two smaller pieces.

4. Bring the outdoors inside.

Nature is incredibly soothing, and incorporating it is a big part of Zen philosophy. There are many ways you can accomplish this. Natural flooring, such as bamboo or a sisal rug, can help ground you while letting in plenty of natural light can encourage better rest.

If natural light isn’t an option, look for light bulbs with warm, atmospheric lighting. Bring plants into your home for air purification, and consider cacti and succulents – they’re low maintenance and easy to care for.

5. Be selfish and put yourself first.

Your home should be decorated according to your style. This means not displaying things you don’t like, even if they’re gifts from a loved one. Pack those away, too, and only bring them out when the giver plans to visit, if you feel you can’t just get rid of it.

Make your bedroom a spa-like experience. Keep it totally free of outside influence. No electronics – no TV, no cell phones, and no laptops – keeps you from working or stressing over the news. Your bedroom should be a place of replenishment, rejuvenation, and rest. If you can’t makeover your whole house, at least do it for your bedroom so you have one place to retreat to.


Zen-style and minimalist living can relieve stress, provide better rest, and invite relaxation. Take it one item, and one room at a time. Don’t let the process of creating a stress-free home create its own stress. When it’s done, you’ll feel refreshed, satisfied, and soothed every time you walk through your door.