
Cyberknife: A Revolution In Radiation Oncology

The cyberknife is the only robotic radiosurgery system to offer treatment to any part of the body with radiosurgery. It is constructed with an inbuilt ability to observe an active tumor while the patient is in his conscious state. Side effects are much less to almost none, and patients reportedly return to their normal state after the cure. However side effects may vary from person to person, so make sure you have a detailed discussion with your surgeon about the thing.

The cyberknife treatment leads to a minimum of pain-free and a non-invasive treatment. It is an outpatient procedure where no anesthesia is required and requires very less recovery time. The exceptional accuracy in the procedure exempts the healthy tissue and organs and makes the patient return to the normal activity immediately. Since it is noninvasive into the head and body frame, there is no breath holding process or respiratory gating needed during the treatment. Cyberknife treatment cost in India has been reduced that is earning more patients to undertake this.

The leading edge technology and cyberknife treatment make it quite different from the conventional techniques of tumor detection by radiotherapy. By this procedure, high and effective doses of radiation can be delivered more accurately at the particular site of action. This saves the surrounding healthy cells and tissues from the harmful effects of radiation and hence unwanted tissue damage is greatly reduced. There is a proper detection of the proper shape and growing size of the tumors before coming up with the treatment.

The real-time image guidance software helps in the observation and continuous tracking of the treatment in case of any movement of the tumor or the patient. The system definitely allows you to breathe normally and be at absolute ease during the procedure. Cyberknife’s robotic mobility allows infinite flexibility and freedom so that a highly individualized treatment can be effectively delivered by your physician. A small linear accelerator is usually present on the flexible robotic arm, and the medical practitioner usually selects from multiple different angles for the proper delivery of the radiation treatments.

A pinpoint accuracy can be offered for the effective treatment of the mobile tumors. It chases the tumor from every possible angle and marks them with a high dose of radiation. It uses real-time X-rays and incessantly clicks pictures of the position of the lesions and tumors while comparing with its actual location and sends its description with the help of a software program to a robot. The latter then is denoted to a new location, enter the robot automatically adjust the beam for a perfect detection of the new position of the tumor.

The entire process is conducted with the help of an absolutely integrated closed loop system. Each of this functions in a synchronized fashion to assure the speediest possible patient experience. This radiation therapy cuts short a dozen of treatments to only one to five mostly, which usually gets over within few weeks. It targets internal radiographic features like the bony landmarks, the skull or even implanted fiducials.