
Fast Food Lowers Down The Student Test Score

One of the biggest ecosystems is probably the food ecosystem; it makes sense for it to have a large impact on disparate spheres of your life, both favorable and debilitating. Students, in particular, are typically whirling in a whirlpool of glorious mayhem that blinds and dilutes their thought process, it consumes their being by hindering their functioning, and it renders them into a shambolic state.

To add to this toxicity, in today’s fast-paced life, individuals are more prone to consume food that is low on nutritional value, has empty calories and is depleted of nourishment, and students are coerced into making this choice merely because the food is accessible rather easily, is packaged and is processed. However, with that being said, several types of research stipulate that fast food consumption leads to decreased and reduced academic performance amongst individuals, as it causes an imbalance due to the high salt, sugar and fat content. Nonetheless, on a broader scope, these elements aren’t going to weaken their grip or domination over food choices made by students, as despite being low on nutrition, they thoroughly satisfy cravings and give the human brain a momentary high sugar.

Having said this, when wanting to excel in academics, we need to understand that the cornerstone or the fundamental prerequisite of success in the educational circle, demands a certain degree of attention. It necessitates an ability to amalgamate collective knowledge into a coherent whole, a focal point that shouldn’t falter or wane, detachment from lethargy, and the need to have a revitalized and invigorated sense of being. For this endeavor, students must make the decision of utilizing help rendered by an online assignment service, as they shall provide academic writing assistance in an affordable price range, without compromising on the quality.

Nonetheless, a poor diet, which can further fuel and exacerbate a health condition, is the worst sort of habit to inculcate in your life, when aiming to soar high in your academia.

Attention Span:

It is true that students are marginalized, they’re pushed into a corner and are required to maintain their attention, their motivation and their need to charter new paths of excellence. Nonetheless, due to the constant burden and pressure that is shouldered onto a student, it isn’t always easy to stay invested and interested in a monotonous task. This scenario gets even bleaker when students are binge eating bags of chips, piles of cheeseburgers or are finishing boxes of pizza overnight to push through stressful situations. Even though the body is being fuelled, it still won’t function optimally, as the energy resource it is receiving is malnourished and adulterated. For the brain to work in an ideal manner, it needs to receive and take in a myriad range of Vitamins (Vitamin C, B, E & D), it needs to consume omega 3 fatty acids, and it requires a steady supply of amino acids. Thus, when the brain is deficient in any of these nourishments, then the attention span of the brain is likely to fluctuate, the students won’t be able to put their mind to any particular task, and they will eventually lose out on opportunities that could have possibly benefited them.


The major cause and root of procrastination, is lethargy, a sense of fatigue and mere exhaustion. A diet which is high in sodium, high on processed items and is rich with trans-fat will likely push the individual towards more disadvantageous circumstances, as then they will be more irritable, more tired and more detached from their matters of interest and concern. As an amalgamation of these factors will deoxygenate the cerebral capacity, it will deprive it of necessary nutrients and will push it to breed and foster in an uninhabitable environment.


The modern ‘junk food’ diet, is devoid of all densely concocted micronutrients. It has been concluded after the assessment that a poor diet affects the mood of an individual, it makes them tired, cranky and sometimes even depressed. Such mood swings, disengage and disable any individual from participating effectively in any sphere of their life, and therefore they are sucked into a whirlpool that is swirling with constant worry, chaos, and turmoil. Nevertheless, by consuming a diet high in fiber, carbs, antioxidants, and protein, students can sustain and maintain a stable mood, and therefore allow their behavior to stay consistent.


Consuming a diet low on nutrition and high on calories is likely to cripple the ability of an individual to carry out physical exercise daily. They are least likely to get out of their sofas and beds to do some cardio, run on the treadmill, do some yoga or merely meditate, as they’ll usually be experiencing a slump or a sense of fatigue. Nonetheless, when individuals inculcate and integrate physical exercise into their regular habits, they are then likely to witness a sort of metamorphosis. This is owing to the reason that the brain gets oxygenated when any form of cardio is brought into the physical practices of an individual, it gets energized, and it gets stimulated, and therefore cognitive functioning is likely to elevate. It is also known and has been indicated via research that exercises aid in enhancing cognitive flexibility, and ameliorates and facilitates the different connections that the brain seeks to forge.


By gorging onto pizzas, burgers, hotdogs and guzzling down aerated drinks, students are aiding the process of mental decline and are depriving their body of different minerals. Iron, in particular, is excellent as it helps in reducing fatigue, it fights body weaknesses, and it sustains and allows the body to function optimally. It is known and is an active contributor of increasing brain function, it boosts immunity, and it supports the organ system. Hence, once the body is functioning and operating ideally and efficiently, then the student is likely to perform better in their academics, owing to their revitalized and a rejuvenated sense of being.

It should be comprehended by all the students, that they need to invest in their health, they need to be vigilant about the food and the consumption choices they make, and they need to be proactive and hands-on when deciding about their health, as opposed to being completely disconnected.