
How to Protect Your Construction Site from Theft?

Construction site theft is a very common problem, and it is growing rapidly in the recent years. Everything ranging from types of equipment to construction materials is prone to theft because of the lack of proper security and loss prevention practices. Therefore, it becomes essential to hire Security Companies in Melbourne to prevent thefts from the construction site.

The primary reasons for the construction site theft are:

To prevent construction site theft, you need to form a strategy. Here are a few ways in which you can prevent construction site theft:

You should always perform a detailed background check of the employees to ensure that they can be trusted with the construction machinery and building materials. Also observe them closely while they are working. If people know that they are being observed, it becomes difficult for them to indulge in questionable behavior.

The security guards should be chosen very carefully because many fraudulent security companies have a link to criminal activity.

The construction site should be fenced in, and a ‘No Trespassing’ sign should be put. Store the construction equipment and building materials in boxes and secure them with tamper resistant locks and chains. All the keys should be stored in secured locations, and a record of who issued them should be maintained. Emphasis should be laid on keeping the security infrastructure strong. 24×7 surveillance devices such as monitor sensors and high-quality cameras should be installed at the places that are more prone to theft.

Assign the security responsibility to the group of supervisors. Also, assign someone to do a final check of the site and keep a record of the building materials and equipment at the end of each day. Keeping the construction site well-lit will ensure vigilance on the part of the security guards. The security plan of the construction site should be revised every time there is a change in the location of equipment and building materials. It will also help the police in spotting any unwanted activity happening in the area while patrolling.

Besides following all these steps, make sure that you consult with the Security Companies Melbourne to ensure the security of the construction site. Moreover, do not hesitate to call the police even if an insignificant piece of machinery is stolen. Although the machinery may not be found, it may help them in future cases.