
Why It Is Healthy to Be Diverse in Your Career Life

Why It Is Healthy to Be Diverse in Your Career Life

The world is far more competitive than ever. The streets are buzzing with activity from rampant stockbrokers and hard-headed businessmen. There are thousands of interviews taken every day and there are thousands that are deprived of their job. Job security has become of paramount importance in firms now and employees stay on the edge of their performance so that they are not sacked by the month’s end. The world is fast-paced and only those that diversify in their field by adopting different skills and degrees get to keep their throne.

Employers want employees that are all-rounders now. There are a lot of students and individuals now that have chosen to diversify themselves in order to have an edge over those in their own target industry and at the same time never be jobless. Upon acquiring and getting certified for multiple skills and having an extensive profile of working in companies of different natures, the likelihood of your job security and your worth in the job market will be very high. Employers will naturally be interested in someone that knows about a lot of fields and will know about the flexibility of timings and policies.

On top of that, an experienced employee will not harm the business’s pockets. They are less likely to make idiotic errors that will cost the business money because they know how to handle the software and hardware that they are given to manage. An experienced employee will also partake in the discussion concerning the firm he/she is working in and their opinion and input will be valued. This is because of the credibility associated with the person that is offering advice. They will help save the firm money and provide innovative ideas in order to boost the firm’s advertising and internal functioning.

An example of a career-wise diverse individual would be James Michael Lafferty. He is the CEO of Fine Hygienic Holding, coach of Filipino Olympic athletes, and a Women’s Rights Advocate.  He has trained many athletes for the Olympics and has even been a CEO within Coca-Cola and Procter and Gamble. He’s an extremely influential man who has an abundance of knowledge about all kinds of business forums and different walks of life. He is a very humble man who will do whatever he can in order to ensure that the destination is righteously reached.

In one of his interviews, James Lafferty said, “The trip in 2017 that stands out most was a recent trip to Cape Town, South Africa. It was a learning trip to see how business is conducted in this very challenging market, how business issues are addressed, and to interface with other global leaders. It’s absolutely crucial as a leader I remain a student, as well as a teacher; and, I keep an external focus and learn what people are doing around the world. Too often as we rise within an organization we say too frequently ‘I know that’ and we don’t get out but sit in the office or the never-ending meetings. Reality is never found behind a desk or on a laptop…it’s out where the consumer is spending their time. Even CEOs have to continually learn and see new things.”