Fruits And Vegetables Can Produce Electricity

September 20, 2018 No Comment

Yes, believe it or not, certain fruits and vegetables can conduct electricity. This may be to the amount of water they contain, or maybe in some cases due to the acidic content that is considered as high enough to create voltage to power small electronics.


Vegetables, such as tomatoes, carrots, potatoes and cucumber can conduct electricity thanks to the high content of potassium and ion. Potatoes can be placed on the top of the list because a single row potato has 407 milligrams of potassium and high number of ions. So, potatoes can absorb Wi-fi signals and produce energy. A potato’s acidity can have the same effect as a chemical battery. It can light a room for a month, so this may be a great electricity saving tip.

Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits like lemons, oranges and grapefruits have high acid content that can be used to generate electrical currents. This acid combines with copper and zinc, which are electrodes, and as such generate electricity. When these fruits are used as a battery they can power some small devices like digital clocks or LED lights.

Pickled food

Food that is soaked in brine or otherwise pickled, can be also used to conduct electricity. This is because of their salt content, that is actually high in ions. So, food high in salt content can definitely produce electricity.


Apples can also conduct electricity. A single apple may not conduct enough electricity to power a light bulb, but an electricity level can be verified with a voltmeter. So, connecting many apples and potatoes with nails and copper wire can actually conduct energy to charge a phone. The zinc from the nails and copper act as electrodes and the apple and potato act as electrolytes.

So, as you can see fruits and vegetables are not only good for your health, but they can also produce electricity.


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