Are Dogs Actually Vicious? The Truth Behind Dog Attacks

November 30, 2017 No Comment
All dogs, no matter how cute or cuddly they look today, are descended from an ancient, prehistoric wolf that we believe was discovered in Asia and Europe. You may not see it in most dogs today, but the instincts of those wolves still exist in all dogs, so it...

What Are The Most Vulnerable Areas Of My Home?

November 28, 2017 No Comment
Everybody wants their home to look attractive, but on the other hand, burglars have been known to target homes that look better than others, as they assume that there will be better pickings. So should you settle for an average or even unattractive home in order to protect yourself...

5 Decorating Tips On The Pursuit Of Peace

November 27, 2017 No Comment
We live in a busy world. Our days start with a to-do list a mile long and end with half those tasks undone. Stress and anxiety often power our days. While work, errands, and other obligations may be a necessary and unavoidable part of life, our homes should be...

6 Warning Signs You Should Watch Out For As You Age

November 22, 2017 No Comment
Women who are over the age of 40 have an increased risk of developing a multitude of physical and mental illnesses. Luckily, many of them are highly treatable if they are caught early enough though. So it’s crucial to know some of the warning signs the body gives to...

7 Life-Changing Outerwear Hacks Every Woman Needs To Know

November 20, 2017 No Comment
When you think of cold weather, you think of the multiple layers you will be wearing. However, it also means that there will be greater problems with your outerwear as well. Think bundled up fabrics on tights and sweaters, and the nightmare of stains on your footwear. Here are...

Get, Set, Shop! 7 Winter Wardrobe Essentials Every Woman Must Own!

November 19, 2017 No Comment
Winter is coming, and if you aren’t a White Walker, it’s time to invest in some stylish reprieve from the cruel clutches of winter. It’s time to overhaul your wardrobe! You absolutely NEED these essential pieces in your closet if you are to rock your winter style this season....

Letting Your Teen Drive During Family Trips

November 17, 2017 No Comment
What family does not like to take a road trip whenever they get the chance? With that in mind, there may come that time where your teenager will want to help with some of the driving. So, do you let him or her do that or save their driving...

Health Questions? Go To The Doctor, It Could Save Your Life

November 14, 2017 No Comment
You may be uncomfortable discussing sexually transmitted diseases. However, STDs kill thousands of people in the United States each year. Even if you don’t talk about these diseases with friends or family members, speak to your doctor if you are sexually active. Learn when you should get screened for...

5 Easy Ways To Inject The Human Element Into Patient Care

November 9, 2017 No Comment
Whether it is the increased fees for medical services or the health care industry political campaigns, health care is always an important topic. Hospital administrators are getting pressure from patients and competitors. Patients want quality care. Hospitals need to reduce costs. Fortunately, there are several things hospitals can do...

The Anatomy Of A Hangover

November 9, 2017 No Comment
Almost all of us like to grab a drink from time to time. Alcohol was present, and often even glorified in many cultures. It helps us to relax, lose ourselves, have fun and approach others more confidently. But it also has huge downsides, which first and foremost is hangover...
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