How Limiting Stuff in Your Life Can Help You to Declutter Your Soul Now

September 6, 2018 No Comment

We often buy things thinking we need them. As it turns out, it’s usually because we compare ourselves to others and don’t want to miss out on that new piece of technology. Or we want more comfort in our lives and in order to simplify, we add possessions instead of removing some. It’s e never-ending circle on pleasing our ego for a very short time through buying material goods.

It surely won’t solve our problems or won’t help us to combat our insecurities long-term. What it certainly will do is depleting our account from hard earned money (therefore our precious time) and make our soul more cluttered.

The new possessions need to be replaced over time, which means you keep spending. Not speaking about your time to worry about the necessary fixing or investing in a bigger appartement to increase your storage space. Same goes for time: the more activities you have, the more not necessary valuable acquaintances, negative thoughts, small issues to solve – the more you feel ‘trapped’ in a vicious circle of ‘doing things’ without really having time to value them.

On the opposite, if you have fewer possessions and a smaller social circle there are fewer things to take care of and then more time to simply enjoy your life and relax.

1. Declutter your space

Whenever there is an object you didn’t use within the last 2 years and watching it doesn’t make you a pleasant smile, there is a high chance YOU DON’T NEED IT.

Surround yourself only with things you admire and use, the rest sell or donate.  You will feel free and will be able to breathe effortlessly, without being burdened by stuff from the past or anything non-essential in front of you.

2. Clean up your diet

Avoid junk food as it only makes you moody and doesn’t bring any value to your body. Instead, choose veggies spiced with small but mighty herbs to make them more delicious and efficient, fruits, eat enough protein daily and the right type of carbs.

3. Check out your friend’s circle

There is nothing more valuable than your time. You should rethink maintaining contacts with friends who put you down, constantly need help without bringing joy to your life or those who are simply not inspiring enough for you anymore.  Life is too short and your positive vibes are too precious to waste them with the wrong people.

Making a space in your friend’s circle not only will bring you the opportunity to open yourself up for new people, to the new inspirations and opportunities, but will also give you more time for yourself and the friends you really care about.

4. Live here and now

That’s the most important part of your soul decluttering recovery. Once you organised your paced and surrendered your well nourished ‘self’ only objects you like and use, and by people, you truly care about, tackle the most important thing: your own thoughts.

Observe the thoughts which are coming to you. Are the any thoughts which bring you down? Regrets, worries about the future? Can you solve them? Talking with a therapist or a wise friend about your past is the solution for bad memories.

There is no point in mindlessly worrying about the future. Think about the solutions and plans, but don’t et the negative thoughts to c0onsume your precious life RIGHT NOW.

Good luck!



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